18th Century Lymington posting house to reopen under local husband and wife team

The Borough Arms, an 18th century Posting House in the heart of the popular town of Lymington is set to reopen on Friday 1st December under new licensee team Debbie and Carl Milward. The pub which is owned by Admiral Taverns, the UK’s leading community pub group, has had a complete internal and external refurbishment and reopens in time for the busy festive season.

Debbie and Carl are well known in the wider community having been tenants at The Royal Oak at Downton for the last 3 years. Keen to take on a new challenge, they were quick to spot the potential for The Borough Arms, which sits close to the center of the beautiful town of Lymington, as well as being ideally positioned for the Isle of White ferry terminal and the arterial roads out in to the highly popular surrounding New Forrest.

The Borough Arms will reopen with a newly improved homecooked food offer, drawing on seasonal, locally sourced produce. In the longer run the ambitious team have much bigger plans for the restoration and refurbishment of this historic pub and are looking to firmly establish the Borough Arms as a great hub for the local community.


Commenting, licensee Debbie Milward said:

“As a former 18th Century Posting House, the Borough Arms is full of character and Carl and myself are determined to reestablish the pub as a real asset to Lymington. We are delighted to have the pub refreshed and raring to go for the festive season, with an improved exterior and welcoming home cooked menu offering something for everyone in the local community.

In the longer run however, it’s a case of ‘Watch This Space!’ Centrally located in the thriving and buzzing town of Lymington there is so much potential for this pub and with Admiral’s support we are looking forward to turning our vision for The Borough Arms into a reality.”


Anna Clissold, Business Development Manager for The New Forrest and Hampshire for Admiral Taverns said:

“I’m absolutely delighted to have Debbie and Carl on board. They are already starting to put their own stamp on this traditional community pub which is great to see, and we are looking forward to building a long-term partnership with them for the future.”