Admiral Community
Live Kwizz

kwizzbit sponsors

We are excited to host the first Admiral Community Live Kwizz pub’s potential.
supported by our friends at Carling and KwizzBit Live.

Hosted over two nights:

24th January & 21st February 2024


£600 winning team plus

£250 winning licensee &

£250 pub charity


£450 winning team plus

£150 winning licensee &

£150 pub charity


£300 winning team plus

£100 winning licensee &

£100 pub charity

What's in it for you?

  • FREE to join – you just commit to fundraising on the night.
  • Prizes for the TOP 3 teams, pubs and charities.
  • Drive additional footfall to your pub during a quiet period and feel part of the Admiral community.
  • Between the 2 events you will have FREE access to all of the Kwizzbit quizzes to run further events and raise even more funds!

What do I need?

  • TV’s in your trading area and capability to either plug in
    a laptop or share from your phone to your TV.
  • You to advertise the events and get teams in your pub joining in!

How does it work?

  • Sign up to the event by filling out the form below, the live quiz is limited to 200 pubs and closing date for sign up is 24th November 2023.
  • You will be sent POS the beginning of December – you don’t have to be a Carling stockist to join in!
  • Full joining and set up instructions for the events will be emailed to you by Kwizzbit.

On the night plug in your laptop to your tv (or share from your phone) and players use the QR code shown to join the game.. and it is fastest finger first, live hosted quiz, over the two events we will have a leader board to find our winners – you can have as many teams in the pub join as you want… loads of fun!